Forvis Mazars LLP
- Auto Dealerships
- Financial Institutions / Banks
- Construction
- Contractors
- Colleges & Universities
- Food Service / Restaurants
- Government (Federal / State)
- Government (local)
- Hospital & Nursing Homes
- Franchises
- Home Health
- Individuals
- Indian Tribal Government
- Law Firms
- Insurance
- Medicare / Medicaid
- Medical Practices
- Manufacturing
- Native American Tribes
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Oil & Gas
- Real Estate
- Retail
- Schools
- Service Industries
- Small Business
- Transportation
- Utilities
- Business Start-ups
- Bookkeeping
- Business Succession
- Business Taxation
- Business Valuations
- Compilation and Review
- Cost Accounting
- Closely-held Business
- Cash Management
- Consolidations
- Corporation & Partnership Taxation
- Employee Benefits
- Electronic Filing
- Estate Planning
- Estate Trust and Gift Taxes
- Financing
- Forensic Accounting
- Governmental Accounting and Auditing (Yellow Book)
- International Accounting and Auditing
- Inventory Control
- International Tax
- IRS Representation
- Individual Tax
- Limited Liability Corporations or Partnerships
- Legal Representation
- Litigation Support or Divorce
- Management Advisory Services
- Mergers Acquisitions and Liquidations
- Multi State Tax Issues
- Native American Land Depreciation
- Offers in Compromise
- Pension and Profit Sharing
- Payroll
- Personal Financial Planning
- Purchase or Sale of a Business
- Real Estate Tax
- Sales and Use Tax
- Small Business Planning
- Accounting Systems
- Auditing
- Budgeting and Forecasting
- Business and Strategic Planning
- SEC Practice
- Self Employed - Taxation
- Tax Planning
- Tribal and Casino Accounting