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Showing 10019 Webcasts Results

2024 Governmental GAAP Update



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Compensated Absences Error Corrections Accounting Changes

Mergers & Acquisitions: Tips and Speed Bumps to Avoid



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Making strategic acquisitions Identifying potential acquisition candidates Alternatives to M&A Identifying and understanding organizational culture Understanding the keys to effective and efficient due diligence Planning and executing an effective integration Key considerations

Top 10 Business Myths and How to Avoid Them



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

What are the ten most common business myths? Why do so many leaders ignore the risks? Steps you can take to prevent these myths from damaging your organization Recommendations from successful businesses

Managing Your Money in Retirement



3.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

Social Security Retirement Asset allocation Fraud  

Speaking For Impact



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Overcoming the Common Obstacles to Public Speaking Fear of rejection/ failure and how to overcome From Unconscious Incompetence to Unconscious Competence Toastmasters and practicing by video Act “As If,” Do One Breath Technique to be more relaxed Creating the Content of the Talk What are the concerns of your audience? Talks consist of a title, an introduction, an opening, a body of content, a conclusion and a closing How to Deliver a Talk Effectively The clothes you wear and how you look matter Charisma = energy Smile and act enthusiastic Use self deprecating humor Making the Talk Entertaining Vary the speed of your delivery The Power of stories Memorization and Practice Key word system and note cards Practice thru video or get feedback through others Creating Stories that Rock

Communication Miracles At Work and In Life - Part 1



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

1.    Why people behave as they do, and how you can effectively motivate anyone to cooperate with you How to judge if your communication is effective in motivating someone How to get someone to really hear you How to communicate so that someone will happily do what you want 2.    How to create trust and get people to like working with you The 3 most important keys for getting someone to feel rapport with you Why rapport is so important, and how to use it to profit in your work How to quickly solve problems with people once you have their rapport 3.    How to handle difficult people Why some people are difficult to deal with, and what you can do about it How you can turn a difficult employee or customer into a powerful asset How to easily solve problems with people who are upset at you 4.    Secret techniques that super-successful communicators use How Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are similar, and how you can tap into their "magic abilities" The three most important keys all successful communicators use

Building Trust in Remote Teams: Catalyze Collaboration and Communication



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Communication Teamwork Collaboration

Anti-Bullying and Sensitivity



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Taking credit for someone else’s work. Repeatedly belittling a co-worker. Withholding essential information. Failing to invite someone to an essential meeting. Ignoring a coworker with the intent to harm or control. Engaging in ongoing passive-aggressive behavior in which words and actions appear harmless but have the intent to harm or control. Constant and unfair criticism. Social bantering and teasing. Yelling, shouting and screaming. Insults and behind-the-back put-downs. Hostile glares and other intimidating gestures. Malicious gossiping. Monopolizing supplies and other resources. Aggressive e-mails or notes. Overt threats and aggression or violence Am I the bully?

Navigating Leaves of Absence



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Family Medical Leave Act - full time and intermittent Americans With Disabilities Act  Special rules for managers  Handling fraud, abuse, and performance issues in connection with a leave of absence 

Coaching & Counseling - Addressing Misconduct



1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Insubordination Personality and attitude problems. Generalized disparaging comments Previously unaddressed conduct. Misconduct due to mental condition Corrective action meetings and documentation. Attendance control.

Power, Influence, and Ethics



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

The two sides of leadership Practices that build and destroy an organization’s value and spirit Toxic leader characteristics Four sources of leadership power Push vs. pull leadership styles Six 'Rules of Influence' that cause one person to say 'yes' to another person Ways to defend ourselves against toxic leaders How to use corporate politics to our advantage and still do the right thing

The Civil Advantage: Ethics and Civility in Disquieting Times



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

civility ethics 

The Trustworthy Leader: Ethics and Trust in a Time of Social Change



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Ethics Leadership  

Allison McLeod's 2024 Federal Tax Updates for Business Entities - 8 Hour



8.00 Credits

Member Price: $225

Current business entity tax issues Any current tax legislation occurring during the period Other issues affecting the profession, including IRS procedure, current cases, payroll, and other federal tax issues

Cybersecurity Fundamentals for CPAs



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

The major topics that will be covered in this course include:Top cloud security threats and how to protect against themData security best practices and how to implement themTypes of cloud services and how to choose a good vendorEffective password management and multi-factor authentication for accountsHome network and device security practices

Contract and Procurement Fraud



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Procurement phases Fraud schemes Fraud red flags Fraud control activities and safeguards

Retirement Planning: Next Stage for You or Your Client



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

The major topics covered in this class include:Welcome to Your Next Stage -- Developing a new perspective on what this next stage is really all aboutIt's About Time -- Discovering a new sense of purposeMoney Matters -- Assessing your financial conditionsRelationships Matter Too -- Addressing needed or potential changes in your relationshipsHealthy Habits -- Examining new or renewed ways to stay healthyWho I Am -- Creating a new identity, and answering "So what do you do?"My Master Plan -- Figuring out what to do next

2024 Are You Up to the Challenge? Test Your Skills as a Quality Control Reviewer



4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

AICPA professional standards EQCR expectations Firm-specific considerations Best practices for reducing the frequency of review points Best practices for mitigating the severity of review points Examples of common EQCR deficiencies The impending influence of SQMS No. 1, SQMS No. 2, SAS 146, and SSARS 26 An interactive, hands-on EQCR simulation

2024 Business Losses: Going Backward and Forward



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Recent legislative developments for deducting business losses TCJA net operating losses rules of §461(l) §163(j) Business Interest Expense Limitations of deducting losses and basis What is the “quickie” refund; Section 465 At-Risk amount Section 469 Passive Activity Loss rules

Fraud Risk Management



2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Fraud risk management Fraud risk assessments Data analytics Fraud risk management tools