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World-Class Cost Accounting: A Practical Application (Part 2)


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4.00 Credits

Member Price $129

Non-Member Price $159


Manufacturing overhead costs - how to identify, classify, and trace products. How to handle Phantom sub-assembly costing issues. How to account for costs when manufacturing deviates from normal operations - outside temporary contractors. Applying costing principles to a process cost system and a project cost system. Example of a best-in-class chart of accounts for management reporting.


  • Covers fixed and variable MGH overhead of the production department
  • Covers MFG overhead of the manufacturing support departments
  • Identifying certain MFG overhead costs as variable that typically are classified as fixed


World-Class Cost Accounting: A Practical Application (Part 1)

Designed For

CPAs, Controllers, Accounting Managers, and Cost Accountants


  • Specifics for classifying MGH overhead costs to products
  • Tracing MGH overhead costs to products for costing and pricing accuracy
  • Examples of specific identification of MFG overhead costs to products and the dramatic effect of reducing arbitrary allocations
  • ABC Analysis for non-manufacturing departments
  • Life-Cycle costing of products



Non-Member Price $159

Member Price $129